viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

Science and Technology

  • Brainstorming:
  - Defining a robot: "A machine or device that operates automatically or by remote control" (This will be important in the concept of robot i will create, not a a machine that is similar to a human).

  - What are the machine´s essential component? Efficiency in the time used will be the essential components that the robot will work. That means that this sophisticated invention will be capable to organise your activities, in order to use de time in the best way.

  - Where will appear this blog? This will appear on a youth Magazine, called "The fashion´s"

  - Who are the audience? This will be focused to young people, in especial the ones that are studying, that really need to do their works and studies in base of a good organisation.

  - What is the aim of the article? introduce this modern machine that will potentially be a really good help for the ones that have problems of organise their time, or even more, make the choice of study for society or for mathematics, for example.

  - How it will work this machine? This machine can detect your conduct, what is the behaviour on your house, to see your capacities and limitations, and based on that, with a little more information, this robot will be capable to do an organisation of your times, with the objective of making a balanced person, organising the times of studying, going out, do sports, and many other things that this machine could do. 

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

Describe the picture.

In this picture I see a woman making a reflection about something, and a man is taking note of what she is saying. Its seems to be that she is visiting a psychiatric. This can be relevant with mental health, showing in way how problems are solved in this days.
In the foreground is a woman lying in a kind of black comfortable chair. In the top left corner is a man with a pen and a paper taking note about something, he is sitting on a brown chair, he is also wearing a black clothing. There is nothing in the background, just white, maybe showing us that what is surrounding this picture is just thoughts and ideas. Is a simple picture, so I can´t describe more.

I think its common to see people in english speaking countries to visit psychiatrist. As develop countries, the level of competition is too high, making the persons do enormous efforts, making them more vulnerable to different critic situations.
Also in my country is very often to visit the psychiatric, I know many cases, and its not common that people comment this type of things, so maybe there are more people going to psychiatric that I think.
Actually the insurance covers (depends on many things) the psychiatrist. If it is a difficult accident, and you have an insurance that cover that type of accident, the insurance cover the psychiatrist. But if you suffer from stress, the insurance don´t cover that type of things. This is about business, i guess the persons in a future will suffer from stress more and more, so is not good commerce to the insurance to cover this type of mental illness.

A problem about going to a psychiatrist is that people that know you visit a psychiatrist, consider you weak. I say that because when I knew some persons go to psychiatrist, it was like weird, because is people that when you see them, you say that he or she is fine, but then when you realize that its visiting psychiatrist you see him/her weaker.
I think its not enough to visit a psychiatric to solve your problems. Persons need something else; maybe doing sports, be with friends. Chemicals and a professional advice are a help for the persons, but they need more than that.  
Have mental illness is very difficult for persons, because you don´t know that you have one, and when you collapse you awake and say that you need help. My recommendation for this, is to do sports, distract yourself of the daily things, and do things that you like.

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Comment of Interactive Oral

The interactive oral activity, related to Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde, was a great opportunity for us to learn more about the book, in different points of view. 
Taking notes of what my classmates comment in the interactive oral, I notice more details such as why should Scott Fitzgerald write this theme at the book (both sides of personality). Also, in the topic of social relationships, how would Dr Jekyll personalities affect with other persons when he is on his normal life (not like Mr Hyde), and we conclude that he has not being affected in his "normal" life because no one knows the connection between Jekyll and Hyde.
About mental health, also we discuss how affect the mental health to Dr Jekyll with this changes, and a lot of comments say that the use of chemicals could affect his health, also his bipolarity.

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013


"School summer vacations are too long and they shoul be shortened".

It seems to be not so important this argue of vacations, that a couple of day moreless doesn´t afect anyone. I think that this should be analizaed in a rigorous way.

Im for this argument, maybe many people think that its okay the 3 months of summer vacations, but i believe its too much. Firts of all when the school year is ending, we are all very tired, and even when we go out of vacations, our brain continues thinking of school, and our mind is not clear at all. In my personal case I took 2 or 3 weeks to clear my mind of school.
Then the time that is left of vacations, we all use it to go out with friends, or do familiar things, resting; the problem is that is many time left in wich we are bored, and we truly do nothing else that see television, playing at the computer, nonproductive things. If they have less time of vacations, they sure will look something else to do because the will want to take advantage of the vacations.
I think its fine 2 months of summer vacations, because the people will use in a better way the time for it, and not for being statics infront of the computer all day.
 Leisure is a set of occupations to which the individual may so completely voluntary surrender after being released from his professional, family, and social responsabilities. The bad use of the laisure like wasting our time, is the reason of the shortening of the vacations.
The question is what happens with the month left of vacations? Our winter vacations are too short, sometimes we can´t even clear our mind to continue the year, so the solution is to that month left, put it in every vacations during the year, so we can use in a better way our time.


Mr. President:

As an expert economist, i will answer your last letter of young unemployment. This is a real problem for your goverment. This is one of the worst problems, much more that the inflation. That is because no one wants to hire a person that have been many time unemployed, so for that person is really complicated because the time pass through and they loose hope and experience. Overall for the young people, that have many future ahead.
My personal response about this problem, is that you and your ministers should take preventions to be prepared in the case that people get unemployed, such as inform people, train them to better jobs, because for de young generation of people who has just or will graduate from high school, the fact that they dont get hire, will affect seriously on their future, and with desperation they will look for a job that maybe they dont like and earn lower salaries, so this new generations will  be "lost" and in long terms the country will have worst professionals. That is the problem.

Chile now a days have a low percent of unemployment, that does not means you should relax, you have to always be worried and paying attention what is happening to your citizens.

Diego Arredondo.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


Dear Father,

I remember the day that you told me that I have to reserve all judgment about other people and whenever I feel like criticizing someone I should remember that not everybody had the advantages that I had. But the thing is that in this place I have a neighbor called Jay Gatsby that its difficult to not criticize him because all the people talks about him and his mysterious form of being wealthy. 

Jay Gatsby has a luxurious mansion, and he often realize parties in his house and invite a lot of people, and he don´t know anyone of his guests. I think that is one of the reasons why he has become the subject of so many legends, no one knows him so the people starts speculating and inventing new ideas or legends about him. The first legend I heard about him was in New York at Tom´s apartment, where Myrtle syster called Catherine says that Gatsby was the nephew or cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm, the ruler of Germany during the first world war. Another legend about him is that he was a German spy during the war. One day also a "friend" of Gatsby called Meyer Wolfshiem said me that Gatsby wealth may be unsavory, that he may even have ties to a sort of organized crimes. The last two legends about him I heard it from Tom when he said to my cousin that Jay obtains money with bootlegging, and Daisy replies that he has a Drug store. Personally I think that his wealth become from something related to something illegal because he has partners like Wolfshiem that are very shady people, that deal with strange sorts of things, so I think that he is in the bootlegging commerce, something illegal in this time.

Something certainly I know about him is his origins. He was born James Gatz on a North Dakota farm. He was a poor men and he works by fishing salmon and digging clams. One day he saw a yacht owned by Dan Cody, a wealthy man, and Gatz warns him that there is an impending storm. The gratefully  Cody took young Gatz, who gave his name as Jay Gatsby to become his personal assistant. Cody was a heavy drinker, so in the way Jay learns to be wealth and also not to drink. 

About his friendship with Wolfshiem I don´t like it very much because that gives me an unpleasant impression that´s Gatsby fortune may not have been obtained honestly, that he might be involved in organized crimes or bootlegging.

The principal reason of his enormous parties, was for one reason that is called Daisy. He want´s to shows her that he has been rich, and also making bigs parties would make her go to that parties and rediscover each other. That is the principal reason of Gatsby effort, try to go back in time and resuscitate the love that they had one time.

In conclusion I admire Jay Gatsby despite the fact that he represents everything that I scorns of New York, and all the legends that invent about him where basically because no one really knows him. Jay Gatsby makes me judge him and other people; I know you told me about judgment, but this time I really cannot reserve it.

You dear son,

Nick Carraway 


lunes, 1 de abril de 2013


The very first law in advertising is to avoid

             the concrete promise  and cultivate

             the delightfully vague.”   


I agree with Bill Cosby. First of all if you are going to sell a product, you dont have to make the mistake that many of the offerers do, that they try to impress you saying like "the most incredible, the only, the best",  but they dont realize that the consumer dont getts attract with that. So what Cosby tries to tell us is that the offerer have to stop giving false words of promises (concrete promise), and try to persuade with other things the consumer.

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013


” Advertising is everywhere you look, whether it is in the newspaper

you pick up daily or on that billboard you see while driving down

the highway….”

I think that what appears in that quote its true, you see advertisement EVERYWHERE you look.
Our Society now is bassed on the competition and if someone catch the buyers attention better than you, your business will be ruined. For example we see a lot of ads of coca - cola, and thats why pepsi also do many ads and compete with them. So its seems to be a vicious circle in wich all the products need to be sell. In this country its illegal the monopoli so anyone has an secure position in the market.

Today the commercials are increasing; 20 years before if you have a television or something like that, you see an ad like one per day, and now I think that you see 50 per day, its something amazing; the offerer have the mission that everyday have to improve new techniques ti attract the buyer, visual techniques, aural techniques, etc. I think that the commercials that symbolize most the attention are with the celebrity endorsement.

To conclude this, I will give my personal opinion that is that the competence its good, because the offerer will give us a better product that the others, and the others will make the effort to superate him, so the buyer will have many options to choose.