jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013


"School summer vacations are too long and they shoul be shortened".

It seems to be not so important this argue of vacations, that a couple of day moreless doesn´t afect anyone. I think that this should be analizaed in a rigorous way.

Im for this argument, maybe many people think that its okay the 3 months of summer vacations, but i believe its too much. Firts of all when the school year is ending, we are all very tired, and even when we go out of vacations, our brain continues thinking of school, and our mind is not clear at all. In my personal case I took 2 or 3 weeks to clear my mind of school.
Then the time that is left of vacations, we all use it to go out with friends, or do familiar things, resting; the problem is that is many time left in wich we are bored, and we truly do nothing else that see television, playing at the computer, nonproductive things. If they have less time of vacations, they sure will look something else to do because the will want to take advantage of the vacations.
I think its fine 2 months of summer vacations, because the people will use in a better way the time for it, and not for being statics infront of the computer all day.
 Leisure is a set of occupations to which the individual may so completely voluntary surrender after being released from his professional, family, and social responsabilities. The bad use of the laisure like wasting our time, is the reason of the shortening of the vacations.
The question is what happens with the month left of vacations? Our winter vacations are too short, sometimes we can´t even clear our mind to continue the year, so the solution is to that month left, put it in every vacations during the year, so we can use in a better way our time.


Mr. President:

As an expert economist, i will answer your last letter of young unemployment. This is a real problem for your goverment. This is one of the worst problems, much more that the inflation. That is because no one wants to hire a person that have been many time unemployed, so for that person is really complicated because the time pass through and they loose hope and experience. Overall for the young people, that have many future ahead.
My personal response about this problem, is that you and your ministers should take preventions to be prepared in the case that people get unemployed, such as inform people, train them to better jobs, because for de young generation of people who has just or will graduate from high school, the fact that they dont get hire, will affect seriously on their future, and with desperation they will look for a job that maybe they dont like and earn lower salaries, so this new generations will  be "lost" and in long terms the country will have worst professionals. That is the problem.

Chile now a days have a low percent of unemployment, that does not means you should relax, you have to always be worried and paying attention what is happening to your citizens.

Diego Arredondo.

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