lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


Dear Father,

I remember the day that you told me that I have to reserve all judgment about other people and whenever I feel like criticizing someone I should remember that not everybody had the advantages that I had. But the thing is that in this place I have a neighbor called Jay Gatsby that its difficult to not criticize him because all the people talks about him and his mysterious form of being wealthy. 

Jay Gatsby has a luxurious mansion, and he often realize parties in his house and invite a lot of people, and he don´t know anyone of his guests. I think that is one of the reasons why he has become the subject of so many legends, no one knows him so the people starts speculating and inventing new ideas or legends about him. The first legend I heard about him was in New York at Tom´s apartment, where Myrtle syster called Catherine says that Gatsby was the nephew or cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm, the ruler of Germany during the first world war. Another legend about him is that he was a German spy during the war. One day also a "friend" of Gatsby called Meyer Wolfshiem said me that Gatsby wealth may be unsavory, that he may even have ties to a sort of organized crimes. The last two legends about him I heard it from Tom when he said to my cousin that Jay obtains money with bootlegging, and Daisy replies that he has a Drug store. Personally I think that his wealth become from something related to something illegal because he has partners like Wolfshiem that are very shady people, that deal with strange sorts of things, so I think that he is in the bootlegging commerce, something illegal in this time.

Something certainly I know about him is his origins. He was born James Gatz on a North Dakota farm. He was a poor men and he works by fishing salmon and digging clams. One day he saw a yacht owned by Dan Cody, a wealthy man, and Gatz warns him that there is an impending storm. The gratefully  Cody took young Gatz, who gave his name as Jay Gatsby to become his personal assistant. Cody was a heavy drinker, so in the way Jay learns to be wealth and also not to drink. 

About his friendship with Wolfshiem I don´t like it very much because that gives me an unpleasant impression that´s Gatsby fortune may not have been obtained honestly, that he might be involved in organized crimes or bootlegging.

The principal reason of his enormous parties, was for one reason that is called Daisy. He want´s to shows her that he has been rich, and also making bigs parties would make her go to that parties and rediscover each other. That is the principal reason of Gatsby effort, try to go back in time and resuscitate the love that they had one time.

In conclusion I admire Jay Gatsby despite the fact that he represents everything that I scorns of New York, and all the legends that invent about him where basically because no one really knows him. Jay Gatsby makes me judge him and other people; I know you told me about judgment, but this time I really cannot reserve it.

You dear son,

Nick Carraway 


lunes, 1 de abril de 2013


The very first law in advertising is to avoid

             the concrete promise  and cultivate

             the delightfully vague.”   


I agree with Bill Cosby. First of all if you are going to sell a product, you dont have to make the mistake that many of the offerers do, that they try to impress you saying like "the most incredible, the only, the best",  but they dont realize that the consumer dont getts attract with that. So what Cosby tries to tell us is that the offerer have to stop giving false words of promises (concrete promise), and try to persuade with other things the consumer.